120mm Line Lancer, Waterloo 1815
120mm Kings German Legion, Waterloo 1815
120mm Brécourt Manor Assault, 101st Airborne Division, June 6th 1944
120mm Officer, 8th Hussars, 1815
120mm Officer, 10th Hussars, 1815
120mm Imperial Gendarme Elite
120mm Man-at-Arms with Pavise shield and Flail
120mm Abseiling SAS Trooper Op. Nimrod 1980
WWII US Airborne, Private with M1 Garand
120mm Cowboy
120mm British Infantryman, Falklands 1982
120mm Tumbledown, Falklands 1982
120mm Confederate Standard Bearer, Gettysburg 1863
120mm Saracen, Siege of Jerusalem 1099
120mm Crusader, Siege of Jerusalem 1099
120mm WWII Desert Rat with Enfield
120mm SAS, Operation Nimrod, 1980
120mm Confederate Infantryman, Gettysburg 1863
120mm Shawnee Warrior, battle of Monongahela, July 9th 1755
120mm European Knight
120mm "Contact, Wait Out" SAS, Falklands 1982
120mm WWII US Airborne, Drop Order 1944
120mm French Demi Lancer, Battle of Coutras, 1587
120mm WWII British Paratrooper with Enfield, Arnhem 1944
WWII US Airborne Officer with Thompson
WWII US Airborne, Private with 30cal
120mm Mayan Warlord
120mm Arnhem Vignette
120mm Junior Officer, Scots Greys, Waterloo
120mm Gallic Noble, 1st Century BC
120mm British Infantryman, Baton Gunner, Northern Ireland
120mm British Baton Gunner and Rifleman, Northern Ireland
120mm British Infantryman, Northern Ireland 1980's
120mm BEF, Dunkirk 1940
120mm US Army, M60 Gunner, Vietnam
120mm US Airborne, Normandy 1944
120mm Man-at-arms
120mm Henry V, Agincourt, 1415
120mm Zouave 146 New York Regt American Civil War
120mm Empress Dragoon of the Imperial Guard
120mm General Nathan Bedford Forrest, American Civil War
120mm Drummer,33d Regt, The Dukes, Waterloo
120mm Royal Navy sentry, 1940
120mm Wing Commander, Guy Gibson
120mm Imperial Guard 'Vive l'Empereur'
120mm Private, 95th Rifles